Discolored water — or what appears to be contaminated water — is a surprise when it comes out of your faucet. You should look into what is causing the discoloration in your water right away. Sudden changes in the colour of the water can indicate defilement, changes in mineral concentration, or other problems within the home that should be addressed. If your water appears dirty, it is most likely due to minerals or sediments in your supply. There are several solutions to this problem; continue reading to learn more.

What Exactly Is Discolored Water?

Discolored water is typically yellow, brown, or orange. If discoloration suddenly appears, it may indicate a change in your home’s filtration or water supply. It is commonly composed of minerals, rust, and other sediments that influence its appearance.

What Causes Water Discoloration?

A high concentration of common minerals in the water supply, such as iron and manganese, is the primary cause of discolored water in the home. Minerals are heavier than water and can settle in pipes when water consumption is low. Since the water has been sitting stagnant within the lines, you will take note of discoloration in your water after you begin to turn on the tap after a long excursion. As you run it, the water should return to its standard colour.

If the water changes colour within the same day and there is no change in usage, you should look into the cause of the discoloration. Possible causes include:

  • Corrosion of old water lines
  • Filtration system failure
  • Variations in city water pressure
  • There has been a lot of rain in your area.

Discolored water could also indicate recent work on the city’s water system, which has changed the flow level through the water lines.

Additionally, it is better to prevent brown water before it happens. One of the best ways is to avoid plumbing pipe corrosion.

reasons of discolored water

Why is My Water, Turning Brown?

The cause of brown water may be similar to that of yellow water. A high press or manganese concentration within the water supply is the foremost common cause of discolored water within the restroom or from your taps. A sudden onset of brown water in a well, especially a shallow one, could indicate surface filtration. You should not drink the water because it may contain contaminants from the ground level.

How Do I Clean Dirty Water?

There are a few methods you can try to get rid of dirty water:

  • For 20 minutes, run cold water from your faucet. If the water clears, the discoloration is most likely caused by sediment stirred up in the pipes after a period of inactivity.
  • If your water is mostly clear but occasionally has some brown, consider installing a filtration system or a water softener to remove hard minerals from your supply.
  • You can also determine whether the brown water is hot, cold, or both. If only hot water is a problem, your water heater is to blame. Because scale or rust could affect the hot water, it’s time to flush the water heater.
  • If you have a well and have recently experienced heavy rain, the discoloration could be caused by changes in the water table. You may need to improve your filtration system to remove minerals from the water.
  • If you’re on a city grid and the problem persists or is a known issue in your neighbourhood, contact the city to resolve it.

If the solutions above did not help you clean the discolored water in your plumbing system, it would be best to contact a residential plumbing contractor ASAP.

get rid of discolored dirty water

What is the Safest Drinking Water Pipe?

Water, particularly drinking water, is one of the most critical resources on the planet. Water is essential to life on earth. Our bodies, like the earth, are composed of 70% water. That is why running water is one of the necessary utilities in our home. We can cook our food, clean our dishes, wash, and, most importantly, drink water when we have access to running water.

Planning out your plumbing system requires as much attention as the siding, wall colour, and room layout when building a house. There are numerous options available on the market for pipes in your home. This may cause you to wonder what is the safest drinking water pipe. Keep analyzing as we explain which pipe cloth is the most secure for ingesting water and some pipe substances you ought to avoid!

copper drinking water pipes

Safest: Drinking Copper Pipes

It may come as a surprise, but copper is one of the best pipe materials for clean drinking water. Look for copper pipes with lead-free joint materials, in particular. This combination is exceptionally long-lasting and robust. With proper care, copper pipes can last up to 100 years.

However, it would help if you first determined the pH level of your water. If the pH of your water is less than seven, you may need to find a way to balance the acidity, such as using a cleaner. Otherwise, the edge of the water could corrode the copper. If the copper pipes in your drinking water corrode, it can cause stomach problems.

pex plumbing pipes

 Other Water Plumbing Pipes that are Safe for Drinking Water

Plastic pipes, such as CPVC and PEX, are suitable for use with drinking water. In general, these pipes would be unsafe in a cold climate. CPVC and PEX pipes, on the other hand, can last a very long time in our beautiful home of Hawaii. In addition, unlike polybutylene pipes, plastic-based pipes do not degrade when exposed to moisture.

PVC pipes are the most well-known type of plastic pipe, but they have some significant drawbacks. If that pipe transports water as hot as 140 degrees Fahrenheit, it may warp and fail. PVC pipes should not be used for your primary drinking water supply. If you want to learn more about these piping materials, read about different types of plumbing pipes.

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